The Philosopher Queens head to Worthing!

The Philosopher QueensThe Philosopher Queens
The Philosopher Queens
The Worthing-based West Sussex Writers will be hosting a talk by Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting, The Philosopher Queens, on Thursday, January 14.

The group is inviting members and guests to attend. The meeting will be at 7.30pm via Zoom.

Spokeswoman Cherrie Taylor said: “Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting will be talking about their innovative new book and its journey to publication and an international launch in September 2020, The Philosopher Queens – setting the record straight about philosophy through the ages and written in accessible language.

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“The Philosopher Queens is a book about women philosophers by women philosophers.

“The book includes essays on twenty women philosophers, written by twenty women working in philosophy today. It challenges the dominant narrative of the history of philosophy as a history of white men, pontificating from their armchairs.

“Instead, this book shows that women have been doing philosophy since the founding of the discipline itself. The book covers women from Diotima – a woman who appeared in Plato’s dialogue, The Symposium – to Azizah al-Hibri, a contemporary woman philosopher working at the intersections of feminism and Islamic jurisprudence.

“Others included are Iris Murdoch, Mary Midgley, Sophie Oluwole and Angela Davis. Each chapter includes a discussion of the philosopher’s life and how her philosophy has impacted the world.”

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Rebecca explained: “The book began with a crowdfunding campaign with our publisher Unbound, which involved asking people to pre-order a hardback special edition of the book and other special pledge levels to show that there was interest in the idea.

“We were told to expect this process to take up to six months.

“We were lucky enough to crowdfund the total amount and get around 700 pre-orders within 27 days.

Cherrie added: “This meeting is online via Zoom and open to members and guests only.

“New members are welcome. Contact West Sussex writers via and [email protected].