How much money do you waste at the gym?

A survey on people's gym habits in Brighton show people are spending up to £120 on gym memberships they no longer use.

The survey, carried out by fitness subscription platform MoveGB, found on average it takes people three months between giving up going to the gym and cancelling their contract (£40 per month is the average cost of a gym membership).

50 per cent of the people surveyed also admitted they had been locked into a gym membership they couldn’t freeze or cancel.

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The survey, which polled people in Brighton who currently have gym memberships, also showed 33 per cent of people are exercising less because of a lack of flexibility with their current gym membership, with people reluctant to take part in another form of physical exercise through fear of wasting money when they have already paid for a gym membership.

However, only ten per cent of the people surveyed said cost was the reason for them not exercising in the first place.

The survey also revealed ten per cent of people who quit the gym never return to exercise, while 70 per cent of people who quit the gym and then return to exercise, use a different provider.

The results also showed people are three times more likely to give up exercise due to a lack of motivation and boredom than any other reason, including a lack of time and cost concerns.

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