Ladies Day 2010: Tara McVicar, Ella Thurston, Daisy Shuff, Charlaine Lotriet, Joanne Jauncey and Myssa Jarman. Picture: Malcolm WellsLadies Day 2010: Tara McVicar, Ella Thurston, Daisy Shuff, Charlaine Lotriet, Joanne Jauncey and Myssa Jarman. Picture: Malcolm Wells
Ladies Day 2010: Tara McVicar, Ella Thurston, Daisy Shuff, Charlaine Lotriet, Joanne Jauncey and Myssa Jarman. Picture: Malcolm Wells

Glamour girls hit Goodwood for Ladies’ Day in 2010

Ladies’ Day at Goodwood in 2010 proved to be a winner in the style stakes. A feast for the eyes, all the fashion trends could be seen, from maxi dresses to tailoring, with an array of colourful millinery in the shape of feathered fascinators, oversized brims, and the gentleman’s choice, the panama.

Looking down from the March Grandstand overlooking the finishing post, you could see a sea of colour, in particular orange, hot reds and fuchsia pinks. The weather was perfect, with the rain holding off, and the atmosphere was filled with frivolity.

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